Voting form for uniform shop solution


Dear P&C Members,

The P&C executive moves a motion to take the necessary steps to enable Pickles to directly supply Conservatorium High School uniform to students and families as of 2015.


1. EMAIL A REPLY  to the with one of these two options (copy and paste desired response into body of email)

a. YES. I would like the P&C to take the necessary steps to enable Pickles to directly supply Conservatorium High School uniform to students and families.


b. NO. I would not like the P&C to enable Pickles to directly supply Conservatorium High School uniform to students and families.


2. FILL IN VOTING FORM (Link above) – Fill in the voting form attached and email back to, or hand in to the P&C box at the school’s front office.

* If you email a vote, a reply email will be sent to confirm your response.
* If you return a completed voting form a confirmation message will be emailed or texted to you, as per your preference.
* Reminder emails will be sent to all members in the lead up to the closing date regardless of whether you have already voted.
As long as you have received a confirmation, your vote has definitely been counted.
* Feel free to include comments if you wish, to help the P&C understand your decision, but only a clear YES or NO will be counted as a vote.
* As per our standard incorporated constitution, any membership fee paid makes the payee a financial and voting member as of the close of the following meeting held.
Therefore it is not possible to vote on this matter unless membership was paid prior to the October 28, 2014 meeting.

Any time between now and December 16, 2014.
Cut off time will strictly be midnight at the end of Tuesday December 16. Any votes received after this will not be counted.
Extra comments:
This issue has been discussed quite a lot in all of our meetings this year, and we have invited discussion from all parents through a variety of media.
Rather than call a special meeting and drag as many of you as possible into the school to cover these discussions again, and place a vote in person, we have decided to call for votes from all members on this issue.
This not only allows us to get on with the change if voting is favourable and have new purchasing arrangements ready for the new school year, but also allows all members to cast a vote on this important and large change, rather than just those able to attend a meeting.

Whatever the result of the votes, all replies will be brought to the first meeting in 2015, and the decision will be officially ratified.



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