Friday 6th December was Orientation Day and the P&C was there alongside staff and students to welcome new families to our wonderful school.
Rudi Adlmayer and his team were there early to set up the barbecue.
Ros O’Brien and Val were part of the large team that looked after P&C registrations.
The students demonstrated to the newcomers how to enjoy lunch in their spectacularly beautiful playground.
Just some of our new friends…
As the crowds began to gather, Rudi and his team swung into top gear on the barbie.
A student jazz ensemble gave a taste of the musical adventures awaiting the newcomers.
Down below Sassy and Rosie, with the assistance of extra volunteers for their busiest day, looked after clothing the new students in their new uniforms.
Meanwhile Ian Barker gave the newcomers a glimpse into life under his very particular leadership.
President Linda Cumines worked hard to give everyone her very special warm welcome…
and made sure Principal Dr Curry was kept happy.
Our favourite Maths teacher Ms Rawson
is well loved by her students.
Everyone enjoyed getting to know each other on a beautiful day under the fig trees.
After lunch the newcomers were broken into small groups to be taken on a tour of the school by our wonderful staff.
The Conservatorium High School P&C welcomes all the new families and students to the school. We wish you well on your musical journey in the coming years, and look forward to getting to know you all.