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Dear Parents,
We would like to welcome you to you to the vibrant and engaging community of the Conservatorium High School. This school is unique in so many ways – from its small and diverse population and outstanding academic and musical programs to its splendid venue and comprehensive and entertaining performances. Our P&C is a large group of dedicated and fun loving families who enjoy the opportunity to support the school’s achievements. Our organisation consists of an executive committee and various sub-committees, all listed below, and we meet about five times a year. There are many ways to get involved in the P&C and we are keen to welcome your involvement at any time.
We have two broad objectives – to raise funds to provide resources and financial assistance to the school and its students; and to foster an engaged community of parents and friends who combine their energy to contribute to some of the school’s activities while making new friends and having fun. One of our main forms of fundraising is running ‘Café Cantata’ on Saturday mornings during AMEB exam sessions. Each year-group is responsible for 4-5 days a year, which ideally involves donating food, or money if that is not possible. Most importantly, each year needs a parent coordinator to organise a roster, coordinate food donations and generally represent the year for the P&C. There is plenty of support and advice available from other parent coordinators. Have a look at the website to see photos and diary accounts of past café days. The job is not an onerous one, but is essential to the running of the café. Contact Helen at cantata@conhighpandc.org.au to volunteer and meet all your fellow parents and families.
We look forward to meeting you at your first event at the school, which will be Orientation Day on 6th December. You should have received an invitation to the “Welcome to new families BBQ” along with a registration form for the CHS P&C. Fill out the form and bring it along to the P&C registration desk at the welcome BBQ, where you can also collect your voucher for a free delicious gelato at the end of term House Concert performance. (If you’ve already filled your form in, feel free to scan and email it back to secretary@conhighpandc.org.au)
Finally, you should also have received a uniform price list from the Clothing Pool. It is important you make a fitting appointment with Rosey or Sassy by calling Rosey on 9337 4639 in early November. They will have days set aside in mid-late November for fitting times. Be aware she works, so be sure to leave a message and she will get back to you. Congratulations on joining this lovely school and another warm welcome to you all. The P&C represents parents for the wellbeing and benefit of all our students and I look forward to new initiatives, open communications and a happy 2014.
Yours sincerely,
Linda Cumines
President, Conservatorium High School P&C
M 0419 699 936