Annual Family Contribution time

The P&C is currently sending out a request to Year 8-12 families, and any Year 7 families who have not already done so, to contribute $150 to support the work the P&C does for the school.  In particular we request that families who do not have time to volunteer for fundraising activities like Cafe Cantata, or working with the Barbecue Team, to donate some money instead.

In recent years P&C funds have been used to buy some of the rarer orchestral instruments to encourage interested students to take them up, we’ve bought student desks for the computer room, and a state of the art photocopier for the use of the teaching staff – particularly useful when compiling scores for all of those students performing in all of those concerts!  Currently we are looking at undertaking work to make the cafe / canteen area more comfortable and inviting,  we desperately need to improve and update the facilities for the uniform shop, and we want to provide some seating for the students in the outdoors area near the school.  Please come on board to help us make this school a better place for our kids and the hardworking staff who support them.

Just fill in the form below and send it to the Secretary CHS P&C, care of the school, with exact cash or cheque enclosed, or pay via direct deposit into the P&C account, or fill in the credit card payment section of the form.

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