Anyone for Live Looping with Unconventional Cellist Kristin Rule

‘Nature of Reality’ LIVE by Kristin Rule on Vimeo on Vimeo

We would like to bring Kristin Rule to run workshops for interested students at the Conservatorium High School in early 2014.

Kristin composes and performs on amplified cello, using a technique called live looping.  This means she uses a foot pedal in combination with the software, Ableton Live, to capture and build layer upon layer of musical phrases as she plays them, moving between them to create very beautiful and complex music.  This technique opens up an enormous spectrum of potential to the musician and can be used with any acoustic instrument.

To get this workshop to happen we need to know how many students would like to participate.  Have a look at the video, and if your child is interested, please email Kathy Drayton at


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